June 6, 2019

Diabetes Mangement Group Will Help Clients Live Whole Lives

Individuals who have a mental health condition are much more likely to also have diabetes, and Cascadia is tackling the issue by offering clients with prediabetes or diabetes an opportunity to learn how to manage their symptoms. Earlier this year, Cascadia received a $30,000 grant from the Cambia Health Foundation to help develop a new support group which will provide diabetes screening and management, and a peer wellness specialist to help clients achieve whole health care.

Current clients will benefit from the group as it will give them the skills and support they need to manage their diabetes. Self-management of diabetes is important for maintaining mental and physical health.

The new “Living with Diabetes” diabetes management group will run for 12 weeks at our Garlington, Woodland Park, and Plaza Health Centers, as well as a residential location.

Cascadia’s Population Health department will monitor and analyze client results and outcomes from the group. The hope is to see participants better able to regulate their diabetic health and ultimately lead healthier lives.

If clients are interested in joining, please contact Ally Birch at ally.birch@cascadiabhc.org.

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