Family and neighbors to rely on. That’s why it was important to Bianca H. to stay in Northeast Portland, where she grew up.

“You have support no matter what. Even if it’s a small thing, people gather to help you,” she says.

New residents at Garlington Place, Bianca and her two school-age children are just a short walk from her grandmother’s house. Her sister and her children also live nearby.

Before moving to their new apartment, Bianca, a single working mom, and her kids would hop from place to place. Her children would ask, “’Mommy, are we going to Papa’s house? Are we going to Auntie’s house? Where we’re going tonight?’”

Bianca says that for the first time her children have stability and a steady routine that comes from having their own space.

“Now they say, ‘Mom, I want to go home.”

Read more about our new Garlington Campus.